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Young Alumni Acorn and Leaf Campaign


"When we built the Ben Schulman Center for Jewish Life at Vanderbilt University we planted a seed that has grown into a beautiful and vibrant tree with a wide array of programs and services that benefit not only the Jewish students at Vanderbilt, but the entire campus and the wider Nashville Jewish community, as well. By creating this Donor Wall in the Schulman Center, I am ensuring that the Hillel tree will continue to grow and blossom on campus. But I cannot do it alone and hope you will leave your mark on campus by purchasing your own leaf on our tree."
-Benjamin Schulman, 'EN 38,

Hillel is grateful to Ben Schulman for underwriting the cost of the tree, and we ask you to please consider adding your name to the Dor L'Dore Tree of Life at Vanderbilt Hillel.

Your Acorn or Leaf Layout

Alumni, Department'Class Year


Alumni, Department'Class Year

Alumni, Department'Class Year

Alumni, Department'Class Year

Alumni, Department'Class Year

Alumni, Department'Class Year

Our Young Alumni Acorn and Leaf Programs are a really special way that current Seniors and Alumni can leave a legacy at Vanderbilt Hillel to ensure that our programs are able to continue.

Purchasing a Leaf

Leaves are available to be purchased for our Donor Wall with a gift of $1,000. These will include a line of text, as shown on the left.


Please use the link here to purchase or contact Shannon Small here for more information.

Purchasing an Acorn

We are asking our Seniors for a $250 gift that can be spread out over the course of 5 years. Payments can be split up in any way you choose over 5 years to make this more manageable. Acorns include the names of multiple graduating seniors with the format shown on the left.


Please use the link here to purchase or contact Shannon Small here for more information.

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